Online And Safe Etwinning Project


Elvan ALYILDIZ Team/Bayraklı Anatolian İmam Hatip High School/Social Media Usage Theme


5. Social Media Usage Theme

5.1 Survey of Social Media Usage


    Pedagogical Approach : Research Method

    Web 2.0: Google Form

    As a part of Socail Media Theme, we aimed to measure young people's attitudes towards social media use.


  • 5.2 Word Cloud About Social Media

    • Word Cloud About Social Media


      Pedagogical Approach : Collaborative Learning

      Web 2.0: mentimeter

      As a part of Social Media Theme, teachers asked students answer the questions "What is the first word that comes to mind with Social Media? , Which social media do you use?" and get the answers by using mentimeter.

    • My project students answered the question "What is the first word that comes to mind with social media" and created a word cloud using mentimeter Web

    • 5.3 Social Dilemma Documentary Actvitiy

      • The Social Dilemma Documentary Work


        Pedagogical Approach : Flipped Learning

        Web 2.0:

        As a part of Social Media Theme, students watched The Social Dilemma as a documentary and they wrote their reviews to web 2.0 tool 

      • We watched "Social Dilemma" together

      • 5.4 Creating Acrostic with "SOCIAL MEDIA"


          Pedagogical Approach : Collaborative Work

          Web 2.0: zumpad

          As a part of Social Media Theme, each project team of the project writes a sentences for "SOCIAL MEDIA"

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