5. Social Media Usage Theme
5.1 Survey of Social Media Usage
Pedagogical Approach : Research Method
Web 2.0: Google Form
As a part of Socail Media Theme, we aimed to measure young people's attitudes towards social media use.
5.2 Word Cloud About Social Media
Word Cloud About Social Media
Pedagogical Approach : Collaborative Learning
Web 2.0: mentimeter
As a part of Social Media Theme, teachers asked students answer the questions "What is the first word that comes to mind with Social Media? , Which social media do you use?" and get the answers by using mentimeter.
5.3 Social Dilemma Documentary Actvitiy
The Social Dilemma Documentary Work
Pedagogical Approach : Flipped Learning
Web 2.0: netboard.me
As a part of Social Media Theme, students watched The Social Dilemma as a documentary and they wrote their reviews to web 2.0 tool netboard.me
We watched "Social Dilemma" together
5.4 Creating Acrostic with "SOCIAL MEDIA"
My project students answered the question "What is the first word that comes to mind with social media" and created a word cloud using mentimeter Web
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