Our project aims to raise awareness of young students who use technology and internet in every field about safe internet. It is aimed to raise awareness among young people with the activities to be carried out to find an answer to the question of how to use the internet more securely and more beneficially.
To work in collobration with teachers and students
To learn what e-safety is
To improve interdisciplinary work;
To understand the importance of safe internet.
To learn using the internet safely.
To learn to do research using the internet
To learn what to do when faced with online dangers.
To learn using social media appropriately
To recognize dangerous situations on the internet (cyberbullying, technology addiction etc.)
To self-assess what he/she can do or should not do on the internet
To improve using skills of technological tools and equipment during the project
To improve English skills of students.
To use new digital tools
To use web 2.0 tools and EBA portal actively
To reach high school students about e-safety during dissemination
Our project will start in January 2021 and end in April 2021.
January 2021:
Online meeting with partner schools
Determination of work Schedule
Identifying students, obtaining parent permits and adding them to the TwinSpace
Creating social media accounts of the project
February 2021:
Online meeting with partner schools
Logo contest studies
Informing students about Safe Internet
9 February 2021 Safe Internet Day Celebration and Activities
Voting and conclusion of the logo contest
March 2021:
Online meeting with partner schools
Informing students about the correct using of social media and doing activities
Informing students about dangers on the internet and doing activities
Preparing and applying a questionnaire on the dangers of the internet by mixed student groups.
April 2021
Online meeting with partner schools
To create a common product "Safe Internet Usage " booklet/e-book.
Dissemination of the project
Project closing meeting with all teachers and students.
During our project and when our project is completed, it is expected that students will use the Internet and technology more beneficially and more consciously with the concept of Safe Internet. The emergence of a common product about "Safe Internet" between schools and to use web 2.0 tools and EBA portal effectively is expected.
Yorum Gönder